Until the Nations come and Worship

Monday, May 29, 2006


I don:t get to use the internet very often so I will make this short. After one week in Tokyo I am begining to love it more and more. God has really blessed us and done the imposible in our midst. THe church we are working with has opened their doors and we are now staying with didn`t church members home. They are so welcoming. The lady Rebecca and I are staying with is so awesome. She goes out of her way everyday preparing breakfest for us and telling us about life in Japan. Her love rediates from her face. Last night she showed us the art of making green tea. She gave us a very informal tea ceramony. So very nice...
Other great things that are happening...We have continued our conection with the students we meet at Richard`s class. They are very welcoming and we have been able to participate in their English club. I would like you guys to pray specificaly for the president that he would come on Saturday to an English day that our team will be hosting at the Kick back cafe. I would really like him to be conected to the church here in Tokyo.
Also please pray that we would be able to see yuri on Sunday as we leave for the U.S.
I will write more later.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Sofia University

This is a picture of the university were my small team will be spending most of our time. It is called Sofia University. We are finding out that it is very easy to blend in on campus. There are many Americans and other international students. The first day on campus we did some prayer walking and “interviewing” (for lack of a better word). We just wanted to see what people thought about the university and get to know them. The second day on this campus we were invited to speak in an English class from a friend of ours who is our main contact here in Tokyo.


I wanted to post some pictures and just give small examples of Tokyo. I still haven’t decided how to describe this beautiful city. It is like no other place that I’ve been before. I hope some day I can explain what it looks like. Or maybe you all can come and check it out for yourselves (HA HA HA) I'll try to get some more pictures that can give you an idea of what the city looks like. These pictures mainly show food....great food!!

Arrived in Tokyo!!

Wow!! So I have a lot to write about. First of all I want to say we made it safely to Japan….Praise God!! In fact this whole trip has been so awesome and I see God’s hand so much already upon us and the people here. I got to say that it was hard spiritually to come the day we left. But the moment I got on the second flight from Houston, Tx to Tokyo I have been overwhelmed by God’s hand of mercy upon me. On the flight over I was able to share and pray with a guy from Manila. The first night in Tokyo I had this dream of meeting an American lady and calling David(our team leader) over to meet her. The next morning I walk into the room and there he is talking to this lady that I had seen in my dream!! (wow!! That has never happened to me before!!) Just confirmation that God’s hand is upon us. Other small details include meeting another family from Denton working at the same place we have been staying at…in fact they are part time members (they live in another city part time) of the church one of our team members is at in Denton.)

Saturday, May 20, 2006


three crazy girls and donated smothies time of worship during the briefing

Tiem of worship...

team building

I have to keep this short because its only about 10 hours before we will head out to Tokyo…but I wanted to post these pictures of the last few days…our team has been in a time of briefing. Were our hearts and spirits have been prepared for this trip. I can’t describe in words what it has all meant and felt like. From the intense emotional time with God where I believe He really allowed me to see why I have been feeling all these crazy things in my heart to the fun crazy times of relationship building. All I know is that I am expecting God to great big things with and through us while we are in Japan.
THis will be my small group during the time in Japan...Please pray for us.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

3 more days until briefing

I’ve got like 101 things to do before this trip but as my dad says “There is always room for a break.” Just some thoughts about the up coming trip….Yesterday, Erina (my roomie and fellow team member) and I were able to hang out and shop for some gifts for the people that we will meet. As I purchased each one it was my prayer that the people we give them too will not only enjoy the small token but receive God’s love through our small service. I picked several postcards of Texas and was reminded of my Japanese Sister, Kaori, and how her dad had so kindly given one to me from Japan a few weeks ago. I hope the gifts I bring just as much joy or more than the one that I received.
During our stay in Japan our team of 12 will be breaking down into smaller teams of 4 and traveling to different college campuses and meeting people, speaking English with people etc. After a few weeks of crazy accommodations for all the special needs in the team breakdowns. David, our team leader, published the final decision. I will be with Barron, Debbie, and Marcelina. Please pray for our small team as well as our large. Pray for unity and clear communication among us. Also pray because our team is going to be the only team that does not have a fluent Japanese speaker….(very nerve racking…) at least Baron has been there before. Please pray for me. Because this whole trip has been very emotionally draining… breaking down into smaller groups has been very hard for me. I’m very thankful that my friend Debbiesita will be there with me. However, I realize that God knows what he is doing and I want to be a willing vessel in His hands. One more thing that points me back to Him and in which He not me can get the glory!! I am learning that when I am most uncomfortable or most unwilling yet do it anyway. He comes and brings tremendous breakthrough!! Last Sunday our pastor Jatin talked about when we suffer we should accept it as an opportunity to give a sacrifice to God. I pray that I may offer that sacrifice with joy!!!!
Other thoughts about what to pray for…
long term vision
team unity
connection with churches in Japan
where to do future work

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I just wanted to give everyone some ways to be praying for this trip.
1. Safe travel (Dates: May 21-June 3)
2. Unity and love among the team members
3. Flexibility and peace when things are unclear or unexpected
4. That God would help us adapt quickly to the culture, and little if any jet lag.
5. That God would show us as a group and as individuals what his next step for our lives is.
6. Vision
7. For the people we meet that we can connect them to the church in Tokyo.
8. For the relationship and interaction with the church in Tokyo.
9. For God’s love to be seen in us.
10. Lasting fruit

God has called me and chosen me

When I think about myself and my calling this verse always comes to mind. This is the same verse that I shared with my church after I came back for the first time from Paraguay. Once again God uses them to remind me to stay focused on him during this trip.

18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."[c]
20Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. 22Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, 23but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, 24but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.
26Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29so that no one may boast before him. 30It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. 31Therefore, as it is written: "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord."[d]

Friday, May 05, 2006

These comments do not necessarily have to do with our current trip but the idea of starting churches (It makes me really excited about doing so in Asia because this is a dream that I have wanted to be fulfilled for a long time!!) I have been really encouraged and strengthened by the people in my home group just their honesty about sin and their struggles makes me feel completely at peace and at rest knowing that God is at work in all of us no matter what is going on in our lives. This quote that I read in the Introduction to James in the Message Bible confirms my thoughts and feelings about the church. “So, Christian Churches are not, as a rule, model communities of good behavior. They are rather, places where human misbehavior is brought out in the open, faced, and dealt with.” I’m so grateful for God’s forgiveness and his willingness to take us no matter what and the beautifulness of sharing that with our brothers and sisters.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

May 2nd, 2006

I’ve finally figured out some things….the heart issues that are being brought up by this whole trip. I now realize that I’ve been focusing to hard on the people around me and trying in joining them in completing their vision for life. When in reality this trip is about God and his vision for my life as well. Its been this huge weight off my shoulders. Through this process I have come to know myself, my friends and God better. I really can identify with Job in Job 42:1-8 (paraphrased to fit my circumstances)—“Rael answered God: “I’m convinced: You can do anything and everything (you set everything up, its not about me). Nothing and no one can upset your plans(even when I don’t want to obey them or I think that they are not good). You asked, “who is this muddying the water, ignorantly confusing the issue, second-guessing my purposes?(I have tried it my way. I have questioned you, others and this whole trip.)” I admit it . I was the one. I babbled on about things far beyond me, made small talk about wonders way over my head. (I believe that I have said to much, questioned God too much.) You told me, “Listen, and let me do the talking. Let me ask the questions. You give the answers.” (thanks for opening my eyes to the issues, thanks for asking me the right questions so that I can see the deepness of my heart.) I admit I once lived by rumors of you, now I have it all first hand—from my own eyes and ears! I’m sorry—forgive me. I’ll never do that again, I promise! I’ll never again live on crusts of hearsay, crumbs of rumor.(God, I really do feel sorry for my attitude and thoughts during this time. I pray that from now on that I would see with your vision for my life and trip and not through others. God I want you to be seen in me. Thanks for clarifying things for me.”

Different heart issues have been popping up since the start of this trip. I believe that this is what God is trying to show me. “I do the possible…He does the impossible.”
In my finances…I can pray, give, and ask others to give…He answers prayer, provides for my needs, and touches hearts.
In my relationships with other team members… I can pray for them, make sacrifices for them, and serve them in anyway possible…He will answer the prayers, burn up the sacrifices, and manifest His love through my life.
In the culture…I can pray for the people, see what is happening, and adjust as much as possible…He will answer my prayers, give me eyes to see what is important and give me grace not to offend the people.
In sharing the gospel… I can pray for the people, hear what God tells me to speak, and speak His words…He will answer my prayer, speak to me, and empower me.
Once again I am reminded it is not about me but all about God.

As I write this entry I am filled with joy great joy. The dead line for the Japan trip is this Friday, 21st. I was still lacking $800. I thought for sure that the mail had already come and that there was no way I could get that money. I heard a noise outside and sure enough it was the mail man. WOW! And in the mail was a check for $325!!(from someone who has already given to the trip!!!) God’s grace is amazing!! I now only lack $475. I can’t wait to see what God is going to do.

April 18th 2006

I am really trying not to be a pessimist about this trip, I do know that when God leads he provides everything we need for this trip. One source of great encouragement during this time have been the third graders at the school I have been student teaching at. During calendar time I have been sharing with them about my trip to Tokyo, Japan and their excitement is contingence. I started teaching them a phrase in Japanese (out of the very few that I know) and they ate it up. In fact they started teaching it to the Cafeteria ladies, and the ESL teacher, etc. The whole school began to be part of this learning experience. This just made me excited to see how these kids were learning about new cultures and putting passion into my life for what I know I should be doing.

April 10th, 2006

This spring break our church sent a team of 14 people to Marcebic, Kenya to serve with Food for the Hungry. Tonight, I had the great privilege of previewing the African team’s video. One of the things that was quite inspiring to see Daniel (a friend of mine and someone who serves with me on the leadership team for my home group) be able to use his talents for God by video taping this mission trip. It remember of the first time Daniel came over to my house for dinner. We (Rebecca, Daniel, David, Yuri, Lindsey, and I) were all sitting around my dinning room table that I had pulled into the living room. David asked us to share our visions for the future. I remember that Daniel was undecided and torn between should he spend time doing missions or film. I am so glad that through God he can do both!!!
The video brought up a lot of emotions inside of me. My heart for the unreached. They joy I can feel from seeing the smiling faces of both the Kenyans and the team from Denton as they shared 5 days in Marcebic. The way I can see a dream of Rebecca and Danielle’s come into reality after such a short. I remember praying with them last summer and seeing God work in amazing ways…more than we can ask or think.
The video also makes me wish I could have gone. And makes me desire even more to make my life count for the sake of the gospel. It made me think of Japan. What can we take to a nation that has everything? To a people who seems reluctant even to have us come? What is it that I have to offer that they will not find with out me? What can I say or do to a people who’s culture demands me not to ask them, “Can I help you?” Outwardly, I have nothing. Not one word that I could say can change their lives. Outwardly, they may be more privileged than I. I can bring no gift that will bring a smile to their faces or food for their bodies. Outwardly, I may not be able to give the girls I meet a hug or dry their tears as they share their stories. Inwardly, I cry out to God, why me? Why did you choose me to go to a place that is so beyond what I have grown up in? Why are you allowing me to go so far away to place that I will be so uncomfortable in to a place that I might not be able to talk to anyone? Inwardly, I search my heart to see if my desires are His? Inwardly, I see that my eyes are focused on me. That the questions that I ask are about me. That the feelings that I feel are about me. Inwardly, I am reminded that it is not about me. It is not about if I like my team mates or not. It is not about me meeting people. IT is not about me feeling at home far away from home. It is not about me wanting to know my future. Inwardly, I see that the King will be exalted in Japan. The king will be known. Even if I go or not. Inwardly, I see that these people will some how know the word. The word will be exalted in Japan. This trip is going to take every ounce of my pride away. This trip is going to allow me to focus on the one that will truly last forever, JESUS CHRIST.

April 9th 2006

I have finally figured out why I am so at unrest about this whole Japan trip. The answer is rather obvious but I guess sometimes we are blind to our own weakness. I do not have peace about this trip.One of my dreams is to work and live in South East Asia and this trip is providing me with an opportunity that I have longed for. I would have thought I would have been more excited than I am. I have been reading a book that talks about how to fulfill your dreams. This is a quote form it: “Peace gives you a sense of knowing that you are capable of coming out of your comfort zone, and confusion causes you to become frustrated and therefore, weary about leaving your comfort zone.” I think once I get peace I will be able to step out with faith and boldness on this trip. I guess this is just a good occasion to remind me that this trip is not about me. I need to take hold of these verses “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7 NIV
The Message Bible says it like this(vs 6-7): “Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.”

April 8th

I really have not had a lot of time to be thinking and praying as much as I would like about this trip. This semester is my last semester at UNT and I am swamped 24/7 with assignments, student teaching, and trying to spend as much time as I can with people I might not see again. This trip has become just another thing on the list of my things to do.
I really don’t want to feel like that but it has.
Last week at the conversational club I was reminded afresh my purpose of going to Japan to in some way be a vessel of the living God to those in that Land. Japan is not an easy trip for me. It is so different for me culturally that I am already having intense cultural shock before I even go there. I really am praying that it will all be over by the time I actually arrive in Tokyo.
I was just reminded recently by my Mentor Teacher that God is not going to give more than I can handle. God is good and He will give me enough that I must depend on him but not enough that I will not succeed at what His will is. I am reminded anew that whatever God is going to do it is going to be good. His plans are not our plans and His ways are not mine.
My prayer is that through this trip the word of God would be reflected in the lives of the girls I come in contact with in Tokyo.
God, I just lift up every girl I will meet in Tokyo. I pray that it would be your leading. I pray that I would just be a vessel for what ever that girl needs at that time. I pray that I can show her your love and life through mine. Jesus, even though I might not be able to say a word I ask that you would smile through me, that you would pray through me, that your glory would be seen. Because this trip is not about me, not about my plans for the future, it’s about you and your plans. Please give me eyes to see this…

March 14th, 2006

God has really been changing my perspective about fundraising. I have been reading a book called Friend Raising. God is using this book to challenge my thinking about fundraising and even missions. I am learning that God desires to reach the whole world through friends. In other words missions is about friends partnered with friends to reach new friends with the gospel. No one should be seen as insignificant and or un needed. God desires that me and my friends(the team going out over seas) are connected to our own friends (our individual supporters) who in turn will establish new friends (those whom our team reaches out to).

Ex. 25: 1-2—Communication is important in missions. These verses is when Moses is getting ready to build the tabernacle. God instructs him to ask the people to bring an offering. God than prompts people’s hearts to give. At the end of the story we can see that the people than give so much that they have to tell them to stop. WOWW!! What an amazing story of God’s faithfulness for the task he has asked us to do.

Ex. 35—One thing that strikes me about this passage is that the offering brought to Moses not only includes things but also peoples time and talents. The people brought what they could. God desires to use our gifts. What ever they me be…”WHATEVER gifts… ”

March 07, 2006

Today, I was starting to get discouraged about fundraising. I totally believe that if this is the place that God wants me to be that he will provide for me. However, knowing for sure that this is his will is a struggle. God has been faithful. I have been receiving a slow trickle of support the last few weeks. However, it’s been discouraging when I get a small check and the same day someone else gets a large amount of money. God just reminded me of two things as I got my support check in the mail today. 1. I should not despise the small amounts. The people giving to me are sacrificing just as the widow did in Luke 21. God is going to use their small gifts to complete his work and he is pleased by it! 2. God wants to raise a wall of people around me. So the smaller the gift the more people he can use to be part of my team. And my team is wonderful. It is such a blessing to hear from people I haven’t seen or heard from in years.

To be honest this week I have had such a struggle of even wanting to be a part of this team. I am so tired of sowing into ministries that I don't spend more than a few years with. I desire to spend a life time not a few days sowing into a place.
God really encouraged me Sunday morning during my quite time. He reminded me that I was to live in him. That He was my dwelling place and I will be with him forever. And that He was the only one who will really make me happy and it doesn't matter with whom I am with or where I am at.
Ps. 43:3-4
"Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell. Then I will go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight."

Febuary 26th

I'm so blessed to be a part of this trip. Today while I was at a friends church God really spoke to me. He reminded me that what He was calling me to was not hard but it was a work of faith. I pray that the eyes of my heart will be open to see the great work God is going to do.

Febuary 26th 2006

I just wanted to start out this blog by telling you of God’s faithfulness in my life over the past few years. For the past three and half years I have been attending the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas, on a full Bilingual Education scholarship. This has been a huge blessing to me, and I probably could not have gone to college without it. The first year and a half I commuted back and forth between Arlington and Denton. The last year and half I have been living full time in Denton. I only made this transition after finding a wonderful church called Hope Fellowship Church. Hope is a unique church that has the vision of sending mission teams to plant churches around the globe. This church is a GCM church (for more information about Great Commission Ministry please visit http://www.gcmweb.org/).
At Hope I have been highly involved with an international home-group where about 40% more or less of our attendees are from Japan. This summer the majority of the leadership team which I had been working with went overseas on a variety of mission trips. I, however, was unable to attend. I was disappointed because my heart is always to go overseas. But God really used this time by allowing me to meet and help organize follow up on about 20 Japanese students. I did not realize that God had changed my heart until we had a summer outreach called the Blitz. During this time we slept in a gym and shared the gospel daily on campus. God gave us the opportunity to share with the Japanese students we had met earlier. The last night of this one week outreach we had a barbeque and invited everyone to come together to play games. I kept meeting and talking to Hispanic people because I was one of the few persons who could speak Spanish at the church, but I realized that night that my heart was not in it. I was most happy when I was talking to the girls from Japan.
My top three reasons for going on this trip are: 1. to seek God’s guidance for my future mission work., 2. to follow the dreams that God has placed in my heart, and 3. to do whatever I can so that the Japanese can be reached for the gospel.