Until the Nations come and Worship

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

March 07, 2006

Today, I was starting to get discouraged about fundraising. I totally believe that if this is the place that God wants me to be that he will provide for me. However, knowing for sure that this is his will is a struggle. God has been faithful. I have been receiving a slow trickle of support the last few weeks. However, it’s been discouraging when I get a small check and the same day someone else gets a large amount of money. God just reminded me of two things as I got my support check in the mail today. 1. I should not despise the small amounts. The people giving to me are sacrificing just as the widow did in Luke 21. God is going to use their small gifts to complete his work and he is pleased by it! 2. God wants to raise a wall of people around me. So the smaller the gift the more people he can use to be part of my team. And my team is wonderful. It is such a blessing to hear from people I haven’t seen or heard from in years.


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