Until the Nations come and Worship

Monday, June 26, 2006

What I’ve learned so far…flash backs from Japan

I have been going about 90 miles an hour that I haven’t had time with Internet access to write my concluding thoughts for the Japan trip. …

One of the prayers of our leader while we were there was “that God would show us his love in the besieged city. “ I truly believe that he did that for my life. Even the very first night when I was upset and went to asleep with out hope he was faithful to change in my heart something through a dream that I never thought possible. He even allowed me to see the partial fulfillment of it the very next day. I saw God’s love in the everyday details (just like Debbie prayed) that I so often over look. In small things like allowing me to have my quite time near a bay (I am addicted to large bodies of water). In giving Rebecca and I such a wonderful host mother who dedicated her mornings and evenings to feed us, talk to us and shower us with gifts. I see God’s love in the time I was able to share with Rebecca the times of prayer for other team members, and our heart to heart conversations. I saw God’s love in the way He includes me in his purposes even when I fight it/ don’t agree with it. I saw God’s love in the way He gives me grace, for using my weaknesses, for answering my prayers, for delivering me from my fears (I could go on and on about this great big wonderful God). If I could summarize the trip in one word it would be ENJOY!! I enjoyed my time with old and new friends/ I enjoyed experience life…even the hard things of the trip….I enjoyed my time with God…I enjoyed Japan…I enjoyed its culture, its food, its crowded trains…its differentness than America…I enjoyed pelicula(sp?)…so many more things that time fails me to tell. Here are some key verses that I meditated on the trip and continue to do so when life gets crazy…

Ps. 111:1-2

“Hallelujah! I give thanks to God with everything I’ve got-Whereever good people gather, and in the congregation. God’s works are so great, worth A life time of study---ENDLESS ENJOYMENT.” I want to spend all of my days thinking about and delighting in the lover of my soul.

This reminds me that God enjoys me. He wants me not just my actions. He wants my heart. Oh just to be. Just to stand and admire his beauty!! Ps. 106:4 “Remember me, God when you enjoy your people; include me when you save them.”


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